Summer Events
Wine and Cheese Information Night
Please join us on Saturday, June 25th from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. for a fun evening of socializing with others interested in the Chesterton Academy of Saint Joseph! This event is for everyone, so please invite family and friends. Wine and cheese will be served, and there will be a short presentation on the school's mission, progress, and ways to get involved. This event will be hosted by one of our founding board members Tony Veerkamp and his wife Carina at their home in Centerville. Click here for more information.
RSVP requested but not required.
Community Bonfire
Summer is finally here! To celebrate, please join us on Saturday, July 16th from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. for a bonfire with the Chesterton Academy of Saint Joseph community! Come meet teachers, socialize with students and their families, and find out more ways to get involved from board members. There will be a bonfire, s'mores, and games outside with an optional short presentation inside on the school and ways to get involved. This event will be hosted by one of our founding board members Matt Glen and his wife Alicia at their home in Centerville. Building a great school community starts now! Click here for more information.
Hikes with the Headmaster in July
We are organizing some fun, local hikes throughout the month of July.
Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks!
Coffee with Parents
We will be hosting time for parents to come and have an open-form conversation with the headmaster.
Details to come.